Request to withdraw your accumulated coupons, survival benefits or bonuses in part or in full.
Depending on the features of your policy, cash coupons or survival benefits may be paid out at regular intervals during the policy term, provided that the policy is in force. These coupons are automatically accumulated with us and will accrue interest. The current interest rate is 3 percent per year.
You may request to withdraw the accumulated coupons in part or in full. The minimum withdrawal amount is S$500 or the full amount available for the policy, whichever is lower.
Please submit the completed Coupon / Bonus Withdrawal Form along with any supporting documents through one of the following channels:
For non-trust policies, the Assignee or Policyowner must sign the form.
For a Trust policy under S49L, either of the following parties must sign the form:
For a Trust policy under S73, the Policyowner and all Trustees must sign on the form.
For non-trust policies:
For a Trust policy under S49L, we will make the payment to the Trustee or Beneficiary who signs on the form.
For a Trust policy under S73, we will make the payment to all Trustees.
Apply for Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) to credit policy payouts directly to your bank account.
Apply for Telegraphic Transfer (TT) to credit your USD Signature Income policy payout directly to your overseas bank account.