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Cybersecurity Tips

Keep your PC/laptop/tablet’s operating system, internet browser and security software up to date.

  • Enable auto update for your PC/laptop/tablet’s operating systems, software, and browser.
  • Ensure Antivirus/Antimalware from a reputable security software company (e.g. Norton, McAfee, Kaspersky, TotalAV, Bitdefender) is installed on your devices and are regularly updated
  • Enable Windows Firewall and Windows Defender feature on your Windows devices

Keep your mobile device secure.

  • Enable auto update for your mobile device and applications
  • Do not use jailbroken or rooted mobile devices for your financial and insurance related transactions
  • Only download apps from trusted sources such as App store for Apple devices and Google Play store for Android devices

Always verify the URL carefully before keying in your login-ID and password. Check for the lock symbol and https:// in front of the URL to ensure the website is secure.

Keep your login-ID and password confidential.

If you notice any suspicious activities or transactions related to your Manulife accounts, please contact our client services team:

  • Email:
  • Hotline: 6833 8188 (9am – 6pm, Mon-Fri except public holidays)

Do not share your password and OTP with anyone else.

Do not use public Wi-Fi and untrusted computers/devices for carrying out your financial transactions.

Beware of the increased phishing/smishing/vishing campaigns conducted by scammers and don’t fall victim to these cyber scams.

  • Phishing - the fraudulent practice of sending emails with malicious links or attachment and tricking someone to click on these links or download the attachment. Resulting in data theft or installation of malicious software on victim’s computer.
  • Smishing - Like phishing but using SMS or messaging services such as WhatsApp to deliver the malicious link.
  • Vishing - the fraudulent practice of making phone calls or leaving voice messages purporting to be from reputable organizations to induce individuals to reveal personal and financial details.

Do not click on links present in SMSs and emails without fully checking the complete URL.

Do not respond to emails/SMS/phone calls that seek personal information or offers of money or incentives