Apply for regular withdrawals from your annuity policy.
The amount and duration of the regular withdrawals will depend on the terms of your policy.
If you would like to apply for regular withdrawals from your annuity policy, please submit the completed Regular Withdrawal – Variable Annuity Form along with any supporting documents through one of the following channels:
For non-trust policies, the Assignee or Policyowner must sign the form.
For a Trust policy under S49L, either of the following parties must sign the form:
For a Trust policy under S73, the Policyowner and all Trustees must sign on the form.
Request to withdraw your accumulated coupons, survival benefits or bonuses in part or in full.
Apply for Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) to credit policy payouts directly to your bank account.
Apply for Telegraphic Transfer (TT) to credit your USD Signature Income policy payout directly to your overseas bank account.