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Changes to recurring single premium

Make changes to your standing instruction for recurring single premium (RSP) investments



Please note that 100 percent of your recurring single premium (RSP) will be used to purchase units at the prevailing offer price. This facility will be automatically terminated if there is a missed payment of two consecutive premiums. 

Please get in touch with your Representative to discuss the options for your policy. 

If you would like to make any changes to your recurring single premium investments, please complete the Policy Details Change Form and submit it to us with the necessary document(s) requested.

What you need to provide

1. Completed Policy Details Change Form
2. Medical documents, if any 

*For new application of RSP, your Representative will assist you in the submission of additional requirements.


Who will need to sign the form to activate the change? 
For non-trust policies, the Assignee or Policyowner must sign the form. 

For a Trust policy under S49L, either of the following parties must sign the form: 
• Policyowner and any one Trustee (excluding the Policyowner), or 
• All Beneficiaries (each Beneficiary must be at least 18 years old) 

For a Trust policy under S73, the Policyowner and all Trustees must sign on the form.


Change of premium

Apply to increase of decrease your premium.



Change of sum insured

Apply to increase or decrease your sum insured.



Change payment frequency

Apply to change the frequency of your premium payment.



Change payment method

Apply to change your payment method from GIRO to Direct Billing or vice versa.



Change rider/supplemetary benefits details

Apply to make changes to your rider or supplementary benefit.



Change insured person

Apply to change the Life Insured on your policy.



Secondary life insured option

Apply to appoint or change the Secondary Life Insured of your policy.



Change occupation details

Update your policy with your change of occupation.



Convert to reduced payout policy

Apply to use your policy's cash value to convert the policy to a reduced paid-up policy.



Change of representative

Request for a change of servicing representative.



Reinstate a lapsed policy

Apply to reinstate a policy after it has lapsed.



Notify Manulife of a will or a will change

Notify Manulife when you have made a will or a change to an existing will.



Surrender or withdraw a policy

Apply to surrender or withdraw a policy in full or partially.



Other services that we offer

We are always here to help in whatever way we can.