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Revocation via a will/assignment

Inform Manulife of the revocation of a revocable nomination via a will / assignment.


If you had previously made a revocable nomination under Section 49M of the Insurance Act and would like to revoke the nomination via a will made in accordance with the Wills Act (Cap.352), or via an assignment, please follow the steps below:

  1. Download the Notice of Revocation of Revocable Nomination Form and ensure all mandatory fields are filled out. 
  2. Print out the form and obtain wet-ink signatures from both yourself and your two signatories (i.e.. witnesses).
  3. Mail the completed original hardcopy form to us via the following address:

Manulife Client Service Centre
8 Cross Street
#13-01 Manulife Tower
Singapore 048424 

Nominate a beneficiary for a trust nomination

​Make a trust nomination to transfer all policy ownership rights to a beneficiary.



Revoke a beneficiary from a trust nomination

Apply to revoke the trust nomination for your policy.



Appoint or revoke a trustee

Appoint a trustee or revoke the appointment of an existing trustee.



Nominate a beneficiary for a revocable nomination

Make a revocable nomination for your policy.



Revoke a beneficiary from a revocable nomination

Revoke an existing revocable nomination and make a new nomination.



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