Important Notice

Our Client Service Centre and Hotline will close early at 12pm on Friday, 6 September 2024 for a company event. We apologise for the inconvenience and look forward to serving you when we resume normal operations on Monday, 9 September 2024.

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Important Notice

Our Client Service Centre and Hotline will close early at 12pm on Friday, 6 September 2024 for a company event. We apologise for the inconvenience and look forward to serving you when we resume normal operations on Monday, 9 September 2024.

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About me


Growing up, my uncle advised that studying hard is the only way to grow my wealth. While I followed his advice, I felt that more could be done. My life transformed after working with many High-Net-Worth individuals (HNWIs) as an ex-Private Banker and Consultant to HNWIs; they taught me how I can achieve more financially by investing my money.


Today, I work with many C-suite and aspirant clients, and professionals to build a strong foundation for their wealth accumulation strategy. My extensive experience in working with HNWIs helped me understand their key concerns, allowing me to focus on what matters most to my clients and guide them through a volatile market.


In 2021 I was recognized at the Court of the Table, and in 2022, conferred the Top of the Table which represents the Top 1% of the financial industry. I am also proud to receive affirmations from my clients:


“Ms. Tan cares and understands what I need. She gives me bespoke solutions,” ~ Lead Scientist


“Isabelle is astute in her investment calls and can help me ride through the investment cycles over the past years with her forward-thinking””- CEO, advertising company


“Isabelle helps busy people like me make sense of the markets all these years. She is sincere in growing generational wealth and will update me with opportunities when she senses it.” CEO, MNC F&B company.


“Isabelle is invested in helping me grow my portfolio and she is someone I will talk to discuss about the markets, She is brilliant and sharp and my favourite financial planner!” ~Economics Lecturer, Local University.



Manulife Financial Advisers Pte. Ltd.

Wealth Management | Legacy Planning

2020: Court of the Table (COT)

2021: Top of the Table (TOT)

2022-2023: Court of the Table (COT)

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