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Get protection for your entire lifetime with built-up cash value with our range of whole life insurance plans.

Learn more about Whole Life Insurance Plans

Whole life insurance plans, customised to your needs. 

Find a Whole Life Insurance Plan for you

Whole Life Insurance

  • Boost your coverage up to 5x, till age 70 or 80
  • Optional early critical illness coverage

Whole Life Insurance

  • Up to S$400,000 coverage with optional add-ons
  • Affordable premiums for essential coverage

Find out what Whole Life Insurance Plans are

What is a whole life insurance plan?

Whole life insurance plan is a type of life insurance plan pays out the sum insured and any bonuses the policyholder have built up upon his / her death.  This type of policy provides longer coverage for policyholders and typically has higher premiums than term life insurance policies.

How to choose a whole life insurance policy?

Choose a suitable whole life insurance that not only provides you with sufficient protection coverage to meet you and your family's financial needs should the unexpected happen, but also desired cash value which you can use to supplement your retirement years. 

What are the benefits of whole life insurance plans? 

A whole life insurance plan provides you and your family with peace of mind, knowing that you are financially protected when life's unforeseen events happen. Moreover, the policy usually has a cash value component, which you can use to supplement your retirement years. 

Why choose Manulife's whole life insurance plans? 

Manulife's whole life insurance plan in Singapore has customisable coverage to suit your protection needs for every stage of your life. Apart from offering flexibility1 options in our plan, there are also additional benefits such as health advantage benefit2 which gives you premium discounts after policy year 2 if you meet our health targets and retrenchment benefits which waives off your premium while coverage continues.

Terms and conditions apply. Please refer to LifeReady Plus (II) Product Summary for specific definition.


1. Option is only available after the enhanced protection expires at age 70 or 80, and can only be exercised once. Annual payout will result in coverage reduction and lower cash value when the policy matures. Please refer to the product summary for more details.

2. Upfront premium discount is based on standard underwriting assessment. To qualify for premium discount subsequent to policy year 2, please submit the Health Advantage form or a medical report with the health target requirement for verification within the first 2 policy years.

Important notes

This advertisement has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore. Protected up to specified limits by SDIC.

Information is correct as at 01 December 2023.

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