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Achieve your short-term and long-term savings goals while receiving protection coverage with our range of insurance savings solutions to cater for your needs.

Learn more about Savings and Retirement Plans

Achieve your financial goals with our savings and retirement plans. 

Find an Insurance Savings and Retirement Plan for you

<p>Manulife IncomeGen (II)</p>

Provides you a stream of monthly income up to age 120







<p>Manulife Goal 2024 (III)</p>

A 3-year single premium endowment plan with 100% capital guaranteed at maturity

RetireReady Plus (III)

A plan for retirement, for the golden years you’ve always dreamed of





ReadyBuilder (II)

Assemble your finances with the right building blocks












Manulife GrowSecure

Wealth accumulation with a lump sum payout at policy maturity





<p>Manulife IncomeSecure</p>

Provides yearly income stream as you craft a meaningful gift for your loved ones. 

Find out what Savings and Retirement Plans are 

What are savings and retirement insurance plans?

Savings and retirement insurance plans not only help you save towards your life goals, but they also provide you with financial protection with insurance coverage component.

How to choose savings or retirement insurance plans?

When choosing a savings or retirement insurance plan, you should consider few areas: your financial goal, retirement needs, coverage, investment options, plan's flexibility of money withdrawal, also your financial risk tolerance.  

Why choose Manulife savings and retirement insurance plans? 

Manulife's range of savings and retirement insurance plans are designed to help individuals achieve their savings and retirement goals while providing them with peace of mind with financial protection.

Terms and conditions apply. Please refer to respective Product Summary for specific definition.

Important notes

This advertisement has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore. Protected up to specified limits by SDIC.

Information is correct as at 01 December 2023.

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