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Collateral Assignment

Assign your policy to a Financial Institution as additional security for a loan.



You can assign your policy to a financial institution as additional security for a loan. The policy can be reassigned to you as the Policyowner once the loan is repaid. 

To perform an assignment, please complete the Collateral Assignment Form and mail it back to us with the necessary document(s) requested.

What you need to provide

1. Completed Collateral Assignment Form 
2. Copy of ACRA certificate (with three months validity) 
3. Board Resolution 
4. Copy of NRIC / passport / identity card of authorised signatory


Who can I assign the Policy to? 
You can only make a collateral assignment to Financial Institutions, i.e. banks.


Assign your policy to an Individual / a Corporate

​Transfer ownership of your policy to another person or company.



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