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About me


I customise portfolios for my clients spanning from pioneer generation through to the millennials, balancing proactive and defensive ways of managing financial risk and wealth accumulation. At the same time, my team and I also help our clients with multi-generational wealth conservation through trust and wills.


Following the financial planning legacy of my mother who started the founding team of Manulife Advisory Group, I joined the industry at the age of 21. With passion and a clear vision what I want to achieve in my career, I am proud to share that I have achieved multiple TOT, COT and MDRT nominations by the age of 33.


I look forward to share my wealth of knowledge accumulated over 20 years with my team, and guide them towards success in the financial planning industry today.



Representing Manulife (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.

Retirement Planning | Wealth Management

2021 - 2023: Top of the Table (TOT)

2019 - 2020 : Court of the Table (COT)

2012-2013, 2016-2018 : Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT)

2022: AVP/VPs of the Year - Personal Production in Revenue Credits (1st)

2022: Unit of the Year - Revenue Credits (2nd)

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