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About me


I attribute my success to my unwavering commitment to actively listen to my clients, comprehend their unique needs, and provide them with tailored solutions throughout different stages of their lives. I share my knowledge and offer solutions to shield them from financial uncertainties while ensuring they have adequate insurance coverage. Through delivering exceptional service and guidance, my goal is to become a trusted partner who empowers individuals and families to secure their financial futures and achieve their aspirations.


Some of my proudest moments include receiving the prestigious Top in Case Count award for two consecutive years. Additionally, achieving my first Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT) milestone filled me with immense pride and served as a testament to my dedication and expertise.



Representing Manulife (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.

Life & Saving Protection | Health Protection

2023: Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT)

2021-2023: Financial Services Consultant of the Year - Manulife Production - Case Count (1st)

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