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About me


As a beneficiary of life insurance since the age of 10, I have come to learn the importance of financial planning. 


I love forging meaningful relationships with every one of my clients and their family members. Knowing that I can make a difference in their financial during good times and worst of times keeps me going; it is my mission and to secure each child and family's financial needs.


It is my honor to serve my clients, and I am thankful for their trust in me. I thank God for directing me towards this career; it is truly my blessing.



Representing Manulife (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.

Retirement Planning | Life & Saving Protection

Chartered Financial Consultant

2016-2021, 2023: Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT)

2022: Court of the Table (COT)

2020: Financial Services Consultant of the Year - Revenue Credits (3rd)

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