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About me


I joined the financial planning business with a vision to empower people to live better financially.


Being in the business for 2 decades, my clients have benefitted from my extensive network and wealth of experience in investment advisory, risk management, claims and underwriting. Representing 8 insurers and many established investment fund houses also empowered me to customize solutions to meet my client's goals. My clients get to optimize their investment returns and coverage while reducing unnecessary costs.


As a member of MDRT for 20 years – 16 MDRTs, 2 Court of Table, and 2 Top of the Table accolades – I remain one of the youngest consultants in Singapore to achieve the prestigious Honor Roll accolade for 15 consecutive years.


In addition, my expertise in insurance, investment, and estate planning is also recognized through features in CNA Money Mind, Zaobao, business magazines, and Money FM 89.3.


Connect with me! 

Jovin Yeo

Manulife Financial Advisers Pte. Ltd.

Retirement Planning | Wealth Management

MDRT Lifetime Member

2019, 2023: Court of the Table (COT)

2021-2022: Top of the Table (TOT)

2004-2018; 2020: Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT)

2020: Financial Services Consultant of the Year - Manulife Production -APE (2nd)

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