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Goal: I want to start building my savings plan


How to start saving for your future

Whether your goal is to buy your first apartment, build up an education fund for your child or retire early, the key is in saving. The earlier you start the savings habit, the quicker you will reach your goals and the easier it gets. It is also important to note that how much you should save should be adjusted at different life stages based on your current needs and financial commitments. 


Ready to get started on your savings journey? 


Recommended articles:

Not sure how to get started? You may find these articles and guides useful. 


Recommended Insurance Savings Plans: 

You can choose to protect yourself by selecting savings plans that include life insurance coverage.


Manulife IncomeGen (II)

Provides you a stream of monthly income up to age 120

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    1. After 2 policy years, you may request to change the life insured up to 2 times during the policy term for individual policies and unlimited number of times for corporate policies. Terms and conditions apply. Please refer to Product Summary for more information.

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